Welcome to SavitaNaturals.com!
We have recently expanded into the development and marketing of products for the health food and nutraceutical markets, both directly and through joint ventures. It was this expansion that prompted a rethinking of the company’s core business and a rebranding of name and look. You may already know us as CocoTech, and we assure you that we are offer the same services and dedication to your needs now that we have rebranded.
The name Savita comes from a blending of the words sano (healthy) and vita (life), the essence of which is contained in the seeds of plants. Savita works to harness the health and vitality that nature packs into each and every seed.
Also, we now have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and Linked In (see top-right corner of website). We invite you to connect with us via your social network of choice or subscribe to our RSS feed to receive updates on the many exciting things we have in the works. Our company has always succeeded by nurturing personal relationships, and hope that by reaching out online, we can continue those relationships and make new friends as well. Welcome, everyone!